Faith Group Program

Faith Group Program – Book of Romans (Part 7) – I am an Heir to the Promise – September 1, 2024


  • Heir to the Promise by Faith:
    We are heirs to the promise, and it is by faith that we overcome the world. When we receive an inheritance, it’s not because of our own efforts but because someone else worked for it.
  • Claiming the Inheritance:
    Just like how we receive an earthly inheritance, we also claim our spiritual inheritance through faith. Jesus already finished the work, and we no longer have to wait to receive it. The inheritance is ours now, ready for us to enjoy.
  • Romans 4:13:
    The promise of being heirs of the world comes through faith, not by following the law. Righteousness is by faith, and this faith has been gifted to believers.
  • Faith to Enjoy God’s Goodness:
    We can enjoy the good things of this earth, which are gifts from God. Although we are in the world, we are not of the world. Life with Christ allows us to see His goodness and experience blessings like favor, wealth, health, and safety.
  • Trust in Jesus:
    Depend on Jesus rather than on yourself. When we trust in Jesus, we are strengthened in faith and experience His goodness in every situation. Without Christ, life is difficult, but with Him, all things are possible.
  • Psalm 115:16:
    God has given the earth to His children to enjoy. While we are blessed spiritually, we also get to enjoy physical blessings for life and godliness.
  • Declare by Faith:
    Speak what you believe in faith. As heirs of the promise, we align our faith with the finished work of Jesus Christ. Faith is what helps us to receive and enjoy these promises.
  • Looking to Jesus for Strong Faith:
    To have strong faith, we must keep our eyes on Jesus, not on our weaknesses or circumstances. Faith comes from hearing the Word of Christ, and this helps us depend fully on Him.
  • Romans 4:16-25:
    Abraham, the father of faith, believed in God’s promise even when circumstances seemed impossible. He was strengthened in faith, trusted God’s ability, and became the father of many nations. Just like Abraham, we can trust in God’s promises, and through faith, we will receive them.
  • God Can Raise the Dead:
    Abraham believed in a God who could raise the dead and call things that do not exist into existence. Our dead dreams and situations can come back to life when we believe in God’s promises.
  • Our Faith Is Perfect:
    Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. Our faith is perfected in Him, and through faith, we receive His grace and live in victory. We must use this faith, declare the promises of God, and speak life into our situations.
  • Power of Words:
    Proverbs 18:21 reminds us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Our words matter, and we should learn to speak in alignment with the Word of God. Confession is a lifestyle, and by speaking the finished work of Christ, we activate our faith.
  • 2 Corinthians 4:13:
    What we believe, we speak. This is how we manifest God’s promises in our lives. Out of the abundance of our hearts, our mouths speak, so we must fill our hearts with the Word of God.
  • Walk by Faith, Not by Sight:
    We live by faith, not by what we see. By faith, we can move mountains, speak to obstacles, and see them removed. Mark 11:21-24 encourages us to believe and declare the things we ask for in prayer.
  • Declare Your Identity:
    We must boldly declare our identity in Christ:
    “I am holy, blameless, and righteous in Christ. I am conformed to His image and a co-heir with Jesus.” As heirs of God, we have the right to claim our inheritance and enjoy the goodness of God in the land of the living.