Faith Group Program

Faith Group Program – Heart for the Lost – January 26, 2025


• Romans 1-8 started with: “There is therefore now no condemnation for you,” and ends with: “Nothing
shall separate us from the love of God.” Nothing!
• We are secure! There is no more judgment for our sins.
• You are in Christ. It is a place of rest! Inupo na tayo ng Diyos kasama ni Kristo. For keeps na tayo, we
are hidden in Christ.
• Matthew 11:28-30 – “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
• Christ is our Sabbath. Christ is our Rest. – This is His promise in Matthew 11:28:30 fulfilled!
• God made us sit in the heavenly places, meaning we are at rest.
• A believer’s position starts at rest not at work. Pahinga bago trabaho.
• A day in the Bible starts in the evening (at 6 PM). (Genesis 1:3-5, 8)
• Declare: “I start from rest. I start with Jesus because He is my rest.”
• Adam was created on the 6th day, and he started the next day, 7th day which is Sabbath – a rest day.
• The week starts with rest – Sunday/Sonday, the Lord’s day.
• Hebrews 10:25 – Let’s assemble ourselves together every Sunday for it is the Lord’s day.
Unahin natin si Lord by attending our church service. Si Lord muna bago ang lakwatsa o labada.
• Even Jesus appeared after His resurrection on Sundays.
• We are closer to the Day approaching. Those who do not go to church can only see the signs of the
times. Pero puro sila kaba because they do not receive comfort from the church/the Word given
through the Pastor.
• But for us who go to church, we are secure. We know that we are rapture-ready, we are heaven
• Sealed na tayo for heaven at wala ng duda or kaba. God had it written that He has raised us together
in Christ and seated us together in the heavenly places with God in Christ Jesus. Amen!
• So secured na tayo. Pero paano naman ang iba?
• Romans 9:1-5 – we see the heart of Paul, he grieved for the Israelites. He wished he can separate
himself from Christ. But we know that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.
(Romans 9:38-39) You can’t! No one can! Nothing can! And even if you get lost (ex. the lost sheep),
ibabalik ka ni Lord.
• Now, there is another who said almost the same thing – Moses said in Exodus 32:32: “I pray, blot me
out of Your book which You have written.”
• Of course, God did not allow it. But why is it written in the Bible? Moses and Paul were demonstrating
the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ.
• Jesus knew that if He will not die, we will all die. If He will not be punished, we will be punished. If He
will not become a curse, we will all be cursed. Jesus did what we cannot do. He paid for our sins and
was cursed for our sakes.
• And this love is not just for us, believers. It is for all – for God so loved the world.
• Moses and Paul’s hearts were beating for people just like the heart of the Father and the Son, Jesus
• So, we, being in Christ and Christ in us, assured of our rested place and position in heaven, we are to
have the same heart for people even for our own countrymen who are not yet saved.
• Wala na tayong iisipin in terms of our salvation and security, so isipin naman natin ang iba na hindi pa
• Have compassion for other people. The Lord Jesus is the only way. Let us share the gospel to the
• We are not ashamed of the gospel – Romans 1:16.
• Gospel = good news! No condemnation. Si Hesus ang magandang balita!
• There is no other way to the Father,
to get to heaven, to be saved. It is
only believing in the Lord Jesus
Christ that we can be saved.
• Kahit matulungin ka pa, walang
tulong ‘yan para makapasok ka sa
• It is through Jesus. Just Jesus.
It is not Jesus + works.
Tanging ang tinapos na gawa lang ni
Lord, hindi kasama ang gawa natin.
• Romans 10:1-4 – Christ is the end of
the law for righteousness to
everyone who believes.
• Only the finished work of Jesus will
• So, from our rested place, share the
gospel of Christ.
God made us sit in the heavenly places.
We are at rest.
Our position as believers starts at rest not at work.
We start at rest. We start at Jesus because He is our rest.
So, we, being in Christ and Christ in us,
assured of our rested place and position in heaven,
we must have the same heart of God for people.
Let us have compassion for others who do not know Him yet.
The Lord Jesus is the only way!
It is only believing in the Lord Jesus that we can be saved.
We are ready to preach
for we are not ashamed of the gospel!
We are confident!
We are coming from a place of rest and assurance
that we are seated with God in Christ.
Let us not stop sharing the gospel!
Go and make disciples and Christ is with us to the end of time!
• It is the goodness of God, the obedience of Jesus Christ that saved us.
• Romans 10:5-13 – If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God
has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be
• You have boldness to share the Word. Preach the gospel, share Jesus Christ! (Ex. The woman at the
well who preached to 10 cities after she met the Lord)
• Be confident! We are coming from a place of rest and assurance that we are seated with God in Christ.
• Romans 10:14-17 – Let us not stop sharing the gospel.
1. You are sent to all relatives, friends, and loved ones.
2. Preach and teach the Gospel of Peace.
3. People will hear and hear the Gospel of Peace.
4. People will believe in Christ.
5. People will call on Christ.
• Faith comes by hearing and hearing so preach and teach the gospel of peace.