Faith Group Program

Faith Group Program – Book of Romans (Part 12) – New Life in Christ – October 13, 2024



  • Justification and Righteousness: These are solid, meaty teachings of the Word of God, intended for mature believers. (Hebrews 5:13-14)
  • Elementary Teachings: New believers, referred to as children in Christ, are still in the elementary stages, feeding on spiritual milk and unskilled in the word of righteousness. (Hebrews 6:1-2)
  • Maturity: Being skilled in the word of righteousness or justification is a sign of spiritual maturity.

10 Glorious Results of Justification:

  1. Peace with God
  2. Access by faith into grace
  3. Being in Grace
  4. Standing in Grace
  5. Rejoicing in the hope of glory in the Lord Jesus
  6. Rejoicing in times of trials
  7. Appointed to salvation
  8. Saved by His life
  9. Reconciled to God
  10. Reigning in life through Jesus Christ

Reigning in Life

  • We reign in life by speaking the Word, declaring who we are in Christ.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Mature believers practice the Word of Righteousness daily, especially in crises such as sickness or problems.
  • In times of trouble, don’t forget your identity in Christ and walk in the abundance of His grace.
  • Declare: “I am the righteousness of God!”
    When you believe and practice this truth, everything you do will be blessed (James 1:22-25).

Newness of Life in Christ (Romans 6:1-11)

  • New Life Means:
    1. See yourself dead to sin.
    2. Do not let sin reign in your body (Romans 6:12).
    3. Do not present your body parts to sin, instead use them for righteousness (Romans 6:13).
  • Sin No Longer Has Power Over You: You are no longer under law but under grace (Romans 6:14). Even if you stumble, sin will not dominate you because you are under grace.

Use Your Body Parts for Righteousness:

  • Eyes: Instead of watching sinful content, watch sermons or teachings that uplift and build faith.
  • Mouth: Instead of gossip or lies, speak encouragement, truth, and the Word of God.
  • Hands: Instead of causing harm, use your hands to comfort, support, and give to others.
  • Feet: Instead of walking towards sin, use your feet to walk towards places that glorify God (e.g., church).

A Mature Walk

  • As we mature, we use every part of our bodies, just as Jesus did, to serve God, glorify the Father, and proclaim the gospel.
  • Declare: “The old is gone, the new has come!”
    And know that everything you do is blessed!


We are no longer under the dominion of sin. We have a new life in Christ, dead to sin, alive to righteousness. By practicing the Word and remembering our identity in Christ, we walk in the abundance of His grace, and everything we do is blessed!