Faith Group Program

Faith Group Program – God is my Reward (by Zach Bunye) – September 29, 2024



  • Genesis 15:1 – “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.”
    • God Himself was Abram’s reward.
    • Reward is something given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement.
  • Genesis 14:21-23 – Abram won a battle but refused to take the spoils of war because he swore to God.
    • Reward was first mentioned in Genesis 15:1.
    • Abram was rewarded because he chose God over worldly riches and believed in Him over material things.
  • After receiving God as his reward:
    • Genesis 15:2-7 – God promised Abram an heir and made him a father of many nations.
    • In Genesis 17, Abram’s name was changed to Abraham, meaning “Father of multitudes.”
    • God blessed Abram continually because he chose God over everything.
  • Application to Us:
    • Galatians 3:29 – If we are in Christ, we are Abraham’s seed and heirs to the same reward.
    • Hebrews 11:6 – We access this reward by having faith and diligently seeking God.
    • God’s reward is different from salvation, which is a free gift (Ephesians 2:8).
  • Heaven as a Gift, Not the Goal:
    • Heaven is the welcoming gift from God, not the ultimate goal of Christianity.
    • The goal of Christianity is growing closer to God, following Him, and deepening our relationship with Him in this life.
    • John 17:3 – Jesus describes heaven as an eternal relationship with God, not merely a place.
  • Prodigal Son Example:
    • The prodigal son returned for food and shelter, but his true reward was his restored relationship with his father, who showed him grace.
    • Romans 2:4 – God’s goodness leads us to repentance.
  • Maturity in Christ:
    • As Christians mature, they stop doing things for what they can get and start doing them because they are right.
    • When we understand that God is our reward, we do things because of Him, not for Him.
  • God’s Blessings:
    • Ephesians 1:3 – God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing.
    • God doesn’t owe us anything, yet He has given us His Son and an undeserved inheritance.
    • Once we understand that God is our exceedingly great reward, we will always be satisfied.
  • Attitude Change:
    • Instead of saying, “I’m doing this for God,” it becomes, “I’m doing this because of God.”
    • Declare: “I already have the Reward! God is my Reward!”
  • Luke 15:28-31 – The older brother of the prodigal son missed that being with his father was already his reward. He became self-righteous, thinking his father owed him something.
    • We must avoid this mindset and remember that all good works are from God, prepared for us to walk in (Ephesians 2:10).

Key Takeaway:
God is our exceedingly great Reward. He is the Gift that keeps on giving. We access this reward through faith and by seeking Him. As we grow in our relationship with God, we realize that we are not working to earn His favor but because He is already our Reward.